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On February 5, 2015, the project manager wants to go up to the Mirador again, always walking, to document the work. Before reaching the forest, they call him and tell him that the mayor will also arrive with his municipal councillors. Since they don't have time to hike, the visitors get into two cars, the mayor's and the Fedecocagua technician's. A test has already been done with another car so that they will not be the first to arrive at the Mirador. 

It is impressive to see what the operator of the machine and the people of Mirador have achieved in a single month. The landscape is transformed. It is true that harm is done to nature when the living conditions of human beings are improved. Where modern civilization has not yet arrived, this is much more noticeable than in the metropolises of the globalized world where nature has long since been domesticated.

Shortly before reaching the town, the mayor gives way to the vehicle with the representatives of Fedecocagua and the UGK Foundation so that they arrive before him. It is details like this that illustrate what cooperation without protagonism is.

It is an emotional moment for everyone to see the work carried out - which includes not only the gap, but also the embankment for classrooms and another for a small health center. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the mayor has decided to make them so that his request to carry out a more important project in the Mirador Community has a better chance of being approved. 

In a small ceremony people express  all his gratitude to the mayor, Fedecocagua, and the UGK Foundation. The mayor promises to continue to be interested in this project while the manager of the UGK Foundation agrees to campaign with  the administrator of the UGK Foundation to raise funds that will be invested in the improvement of the gap, surely necessary. It will be seen that the mayor will take care of everything - without further help.

February 5, 2019  

Photographs of the visit to the Mirador by the mayor of Chajul and representatives of Fedecocagua and the UGK Foundation.

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